Getting Things Done with 100+ Productivity Hacks!


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Product Description

Are you you looking for a way to Get Everything Done? Do you want to get rid of the mile long to do list that you have? If so you are at the right place!

It’s time to step away from the time-sucks that are preventing you from enjoying life and start making changes so that you can begin to take pleasure in all of the benefits that living a productive life brings. Benefits such as more time for yourself (and your family), less stress and tension, and a happier, calmer disposition.

In This Book You Will Find More Than 100 Productivity Hacks, That You Can Use to Boost your Productivity Instantly!


The hacks are spread around all areas of your life and include:

* Basic productivity hacks to use everyday for any occasion
Productivity hacks you can use when you are at work 
* How to boost your productivity while you are at home
How to become more productive through Food and Exercise 
* How to use technology in order to become more productive
Boosting Your Productivity Through Your Mind 

Why This Book?

This book is full of different ways and information how you can boost your productivity. Of course not everything will be suitable for you, but still you will find more than enough tips that can help you be your best self , eliminate procrastination and get everything DONE! . Just give it a try and you will never regret!

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